Filipinos are known to be non-confrontational, yet compensate by welcoming gossip. Instead of hashing concerns out in the open, people tend to exchange seemingly confidential concerns among themselves that eventually lead to deadly gossip-mongering. This remains to be the case among the teen housemates.
“Familiarity breeds contempt,” as the saying goes. Living in close quarters, the simplest shared experience was akin to life-changing miracles just as much as the slightest flaw appeared like the gravest sin. In the Apartment, the boys finally got to speak to Carson about several concerns that had been bothering them: his aloofness and his abrasive attitude, to name two. In the Villa household, gossip had taken root and was growing fast. Instead of taking time to talk to those they had issues with, the teen housemates chose to talk amongst themselves and behind the backs of their supposed friends.
Ivan was one of their favorite hits. Already nominated, many felt that his jokes and closeness with the girls was already out of line. He lacked gentlemanly skills and tended to be immature in his ways. Meanwhile, Ivan was feeling the strain as well. So bothered was he that he had to air out his thoughts with Kuya. Apparently, Ivan had been on the edge because of Tricia’s actions and the strain he feels from just being inside the house. “It’s frustrating,” he shared, feeling like he doesn’t have a choice and had to be someone other than himself. Moreover, sentiments about his father surfaced. “I used to think that my dad was childish,” said Ivan. “I never really understood the situation he was in.” When his dad retired, Ivan felt himself slipping away from him. His dad’s attitude shifted and did not seem to be a strong father figure for him. Now that he had some time to think, Ivan has had some realizations that made him understand where his dad was coming from.
All these were not known to the rest of the Pinoy housemates, who continued to talk among themselves to discuss Ivan’s flaws. Questions on his sexuality and maturity were raised, and the gossip grew. It has already reached an unhealthy level that Kuya decided to take matters in his hands yet again. Kazel and Joe were called in and were informed of a film viewing for the Villa teens. In truth, the film was an anime, given voice by chosen Teenternational housemates, that highlighted concerns raised in their gossiping. Though deconstructed in a cartoon setting, no one could miss hard-hitting lines such as “traydor” and “Ganyan ba ang friends?” Patrick and Joe, both having taken part of the gossips, felt the hit, as did several girls. Kazel and Yen were foremost in the exchanges as well. Later on, Tricia kept Ivan company on one end of the poolside in an attempt to give comfort, while the rest clustered on the other end and worried about what Kuya just showed them.
Tricia may have grown numb after consecutive nominations, but how will she handle yet another blow dealt by the people she lived with? Yes, she’s another favorite hit and this time, Kuya steps in to reveal what seems to be hidden. Will Kuya succeed in squashing the gossip out of the teens, or is he just adding fuel to the fire? Just how Kuya plays his cards and how the Pinoy teens would handle it is definitely a must-see tomorrow on Uber and Primetime!
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